
A revolutionary injectable treatment designed to target and reduce submental fullness, commonly known as a "double chin."

What is Kybella?

Kybella, also known as PCDC (deoxycholic acid), is a revolutionary injectable treatment designed to target and reduce submental fullness, commonly known as a "double chin." Utilizing a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat, Kybella offers a non-surgical solution for refining the jawline and achieving a more contoured facial profile. This innovative treatment has gained popularity for its ability to effectively reduce stubborn fat beneath the chin, providing patients with a slimmer, more defined appearance without the need for invasive procedures.

What is the difference between Kybella and  PCDC?

Kybella and PCDC (phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate) are both injectable treatments used to most commonly reduce submental fullness, commonly known as a "double chin." However, there are differences between the two:

  1. Active Ingredient: Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a synthetic form of a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. PCDC, on the other hand, is a compounded formulation that typically combines phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate, which work together to target and dissolve fat cells.
  2. FDA Approval: Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically designed for reducing submental fat. PCDC, while similar in function, is a compounded medication that may not have undergone the same level of regulatory scrutiny as Kybella.
  3. Availability: Kybella is a commercially available product that comes in pre-packaged vials, while PCDC is typically compounded by specialized pharmacies based on a healthcare provider's prescription.
  4. Cost: The cost of Kybella and PCDC treatments may vary, with Kybella often being more expensive due to its commercial availability and brand recognition.

Overall, both Kybella and PCDC can be effective options for reducing submental fullness, but patients should consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine which treatment is best suited to their individual needs and goals.

Typical Downtime

Downtime after Kybella or PCDC treatments varies, but swelling can be severe, especially with Kybella injections. However, this typically resolves within a few weeks, allowing individuals to resume their normal activities relatively quickly.

Time Frame Post-Treatment Reactions and Care
Immediate Post treatment Immediately following Kybella or PCDC treatments, individuals may experience severe swelling, redness, and tenderness in the treated area, particularly with Kybella injections. This swelling can be significant, but it typically subsides 1-2 weeks. Applying cold compresses and avoiding strenuous activities can help alleviate discomfort and promote faster recovery.
First 24 to 72 Hours During the first 24 to 72 hours after Kybella or PCDC treatments, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the treated area may persist, with swelling and bruising potentially being more pronounced, especially with Kybella injections.
One Week After Any initial swelling, redness, or tenderness in the treated area typically begins to diminish around a week after Kybella or PCDC treatments. However, some residual swelling may persist, especially with Kybella injections, but it should continue to improve gradually. It's essential to continue following post-treatment care guidelines, such as avoiding strenuous activities and sun exposure, to support optimal healing and minimize any lingering side effects. Social downtime is about 2 weeks.

Treatment Goals
Reduce Submental fullness (double chin)
Reduce Buccal fat
Reduce Small Areas of Body Fat

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Frequently asked questions

How many treatments will I need?

The number of Kybella or PCDC treatments needed varies depending on individual factors such as the severity of submental fullness, desired results, and response to treatment. In general, most patients undergo a series of treatments to achieve optimal outcomes. Typically, 2 to 4 treatment sessions are recommended, spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart. However, some individuals may require additional sessions to achieve their desired level of improvement. During a consultation, your healthcare provider will assess your specific needs and create a customized treatment plan tailored to achieve the best results for you.

Who is this treatment suitable for?

It's crucial for individuals considering Kybella or PCDC treatments to have realistic expectations about the outcomes. These treatments are most effective for addressing small pockets of fat beneath the chin and achieving subtle improvements in contouring. For those seeking more significant fat reduction or changes in overall facial appearance, surgical procedures like liposuction may be more appropriate. Consulting with one of our doctors can help individuals understand the limitations and potential results of Kybella or PCDC treatments and determine the best approach for their specific needs and goals.

When will I see results, and how long will they last?

Results from Kybella or PCDC treatments typically become noticeable within a few weeks to months after completing the recommended sessions. The fat reduction achieved is permanent as the dissolved fat cells do not return. However, individual responses vary, and weight gain can cause existing fat cells to expand.